Nearly a couple of weeks ago, I got system update of Android 6 , Marshmallow on my Google Nexus 5 . Having system updates early is one of the things I like much about Google Nexus devices. There are several wonderful things in the new android, but I was eagerly waiting for this update, specifically for the selective permissions module. Lots of android apps use lots of excessive permissions. too much than necessary IMHO. However, let me tell you about how I found things. One of the things I liked a lot since my last version of android is the launcher app menu, I used to have to swipe left several times to get to apps with names starting with letters coming late in the alphabet (Z, x, S, and arabic names). Android 6 default app menu avoids this horizontal scrolling. and: 1) Uses vertical scrolling which is more natural and usable for users 2) Allows you to search apps, to reach the app quickly by typing a couple of letters form its name 3) The most frequent used apps ar