
Showing posts from December, 2013

Organize your readings with Pocket, opportunity for more

I have been using pocket for a while now to queue all the articles I want to read, so I can avoid interruptions and read them when the time is more convenient.  This was actually the philosophy of the app since it was known as Read It Later . This allows me to go through the list later on mobile while i'm in transportation or waiting at some facility. Seems perfect,  but actually things don't go just perfect.  not something wrong in the app, but rather myself.  Like lots of people out there, I'm a lazy procrastinating person. I'm working on fixing this, however, it is a fact I have to admit. This resulted in a fact that I queue lots and lots of stuff in pocket, and read a lot lot less than what's there.  Saving things on pocket queue gives you a sense that it won't be lost and you can always get back to read it whenever you want. well... sometimes this "whenever" is not good with lazy people. With a clear options to ignore those people, which...

Exporting data from remote mysql instance in csv, using mysql client and sed

Mysql allows exporting query results to csv using the INTO OUTFILE , like the following example: SELECT a,b,a+b INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/result.csv' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' OPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' FROM test_table; This, however, will cause the data to be exported to the file system of the database server.  Sometimes you do not have access to that server and you are only connected remotely from a different machine using mysql command line. One way to export the data is to pass a query and redirect the output to a file as follows $ mysql -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD -h DB_SERVER mydb -e "SELECT a,b,a+b INTO OUTFILE FROM test_table;" > output.txt This will do the trick, except that the resulting file is TAB separated instead of CSV. You can simply download the file and open it using any text editor and replace all tabs with commas. but that's not practical for large data sets.  Instead, we...