Introducing BDD with RSpec
Behavior Driven Development (BDD) is an approach for software development combining the advantages of Test Driven Development and Domain Driven Design . It helps the team of the project focus on the exact requirements of the client in a verifiable manner. In TDD, we had acceptance tests that verify the correctness and completeness of the feature once they pass. Those tests are written by the developers at the beginning of an iteration. A weak point though is that those tests were written in a programming language (java, ruby, ..) nothing that the customer can understand. BDD introduces a common vocabulary among all people, that is simple text, something that even the customer can understand and write. RSpec is a ruby framework that helps with the implementation of BDD. It is really an interesting project. RSpec started with what they call now the "spec framework", this framework describes pieces of the application model through by specifying characteristics and actions th...