
i made the wrong decision again...

how many times should one makes it wrong before he learns...

a quote once said... "if u made something wrong.. u'll learn and won't do it again...
and if u made it wrong a second time... u'll do it a third time and a fourth time and so.."

what a terrifying idea...
one can see his defects... can realize them... but can't get over them... what a helpless poor pathetic person...


mmm. Sometimes u take a decision and u figure out that it was wrong due to different circumstances. for example someone reacted in a way that u didn't expect. u can't blame on urself if this happens a second time. but i agree that u can blame on urself when it happens with the same person again.
sometimes, we make sthg wrong and it goes as a habit. wt u really need is someone u can trust and be honest with u to give u feedback abt ur attitudes.

so, by the end. u can't judge ur attitudes whether they wrong or they are good from ur own point of view. u need an external reference.

and we can go back to wt is defined to be good and wt is defined to be bad. everythg depends on the situation u r faced to.

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